I always believed and still do today, that if I put my mind into a project, it will be wildly successfull......
We All Start Somewhere... Decide Which Direction You Are Going
Meet The Author
A. Thomas Perhacs
"You Can Become a Controller...."

A. Thomas Perhacs
Mr. Perhacs is an author, lecturer, martial artist and researcher who has studied the power of the mind and body since 1984. Mr. Perhacs is also the author of several best-selling books and courses . He has also collaborated with many courses for Scientific Premium Company-USA. His work is frequently cited in articles and the media..
Mr. Perhacs, has extensive background in all areas of sales and marketing. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and four children.

What event inspired you to study the power of the mind and hypnotic influence?

Ever since my dad gave me a copy of "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale, I have been intrigued with the capabilities of human accomplishment and achievement. From there I learned all I could about how the mind works and how I could get it to work for me to do what I wanted it to do. I read books like Think and Grow Rich, Psycho cybernetics, The Magic of Thinking Big and other cerebral readings. I then took it the next step by studying not only the power of the mind, but the power of the human body and how far you can take it. Of course, I added the study of Hypnosis as well.

During your course of study, what findings most surprised you?

What astounded me the most, was that everyone has total control of what they put in their mind, but most of the time, they let other things control them. They listen to TV, music, peers, and well meaning relatives. Once I realized that my mind was something that I could control to do the things and achieve the things in life that I wanted, I got totally excited about the possibilities. I now had a computer (my mind) that I could program with the information I wanted. I also understood that I had to safe guard my mind against the constant barrage of negative that we get everyday as well.

How did these finding impact you?

Well, they impacted me, because I finally knew that I was in control of my destiny, so to speak. Good or bad, I was the one in control. All the mistakes were mine and all of the victories were mine as well. I learned, that you don't have to be perfect, you just need to know how to use the mind to work for you not against you.

Can you talk a little about you new course Manipulation?

Absolutely! It took many years to come up with the concepts for the course. I wanted a course that was unlike all of the other courses that were out there. With the work that I do at Scientific Premium Company-USA, we take very complex concepts and make them simple to understand. That is exactly what I did with Manipulation, UHI, Magneto, IPC, Mind Portal, all my courses. I took all the information and then condensed it down to all the relevent points that a reader would want to learn.

I hear that some "hypnosis gurus" are a little upset that you did your Hypnosis Courses?

Anytime you take so called "secrets" and put them out in the open, someone is not going to like it. We still get mail from people about our Chi Power Course, but that comes as part of the territory when you are an innovator. This course has more information in it than most courses that cost $2,000 to attend, so sure there are some people that are upset. The main thing is that the course speaks for itself and is fully guaranteed. Some of the concepts, most hypnotists don't even know about, but this is where having a total perspective on what is being taught comes in handy, versus just knowing one particular method.

So can you give up any secrets today?

You know, it's funny, but most of the secrets are not really secrets at all, but common ways to communicate in a very uncommon way. When you boil everything down, when it comes to persuasion, influence, hypnosis, mind power and other topics that we write about, you realize that it is the attitude that you have pertaining to these things that really matters. Give me someone that has excellent technique, but their attitude is rotten and I will show you a failure. Give me someone that knows the technique, but has a superior attitude and I will show you a champion. Superior attitude rules.

You probably hear this all the time, but why the name "Manipulation"? Doesn't that have a negative connotation?

Actually, we did research and had several names, and through our research Manipulation was the best one. Of course whether we like it or not, we are being manipulated every day from the media, our bosses, teachers, parents, spouses and of course our children. It depends on which definition you use. I like the name because it really does sum up what you are trying to do, which is get someone to do something that you want them to do. And to do that you sometimes have to manipulate them in certain ways.

You have a new product that just came out, can you tell us a little about it?

The new product is "The Power of the Mind" CD". We are basically giving it away right now and yet it has extremely potent content. The 6 Dynamic Laws of the Mind are covered as well as other important concepts. I would say that if you really study the content on this CD, it will change your life, because it has all of the laws that you need to get your mind to work powerfully and completely.

What's next on the horizon?

I have several projects I am working on right now, from Martial Arts to some new advancements with regards to Manipulation or UHI.

As a parting shot, do you have any advice for those that will read this?

Buy all of our products of course.. No, really what I would say, is that if you really want to become a "Controller" of your world, you need to find out how to tap into your mind and extract the power that has always been up there, and when you do that you will be able to truly experience the benefits of what being in control is all about. When you finally get in control of yourself, it is a very liberating experience and allows you to find a certain peace.