"This is my Best Deal Ever... 17+ CDs/MP3 Files, Books, Manuals & Other Cool Stuff for as Little as $147"
"If You've Ever Had The Desire to Control Yourself & Others, Then This Is Exactly What You're Seeking"

Closed Door Secrets Revealed!
My FREE gift to you... The First 30 Minutes of My Ground Breaking"Manipulation" Course. Is Free When You Join the Secrets Vault (Click Here)...Enjoy the rest of the Information!
“WARNING....These Jeolously Guarded Files Contain Concepts, Methods & Tactics Used By Master Hypnotists.....They Will Work "!

If you could discover the most jelously guarded secrets that master hypnotists use, would you want to know them?
Of course you would......
Since I published my Manipulation course several years ago, I thought I would create something that would contain a step by step process to get you to Hypnotize with power....
The result is Ultimate Hypnotic Influence.....
These two curriculums combined create what I call....
"The Closed Door Hypnosis Files"
Dear Friend,
Today could be your lucky day...
Here's why:
Finally, a total system that allows you to learn these highly secretive methods, quickly and effortlessly....
When I created Manipulation, I knew I was on to something. When I finished up my next course, Ultimate Hypnotic Influence, I felt like I had closed the loop...Now with an added component that I recently uncoverd, these courses become....
The Closed Door Hypnosis Files
I am not going to bore you with all the details about Manipulation and Ultimate Hypnotic Influence because you can read about them by going to the following links...
What I am going to tell you, is that you can no longer buy either one of those programs from the Advanced Mind Power website...They are being discontinued in their current format....Which means, the only way you can get them is together....
Here's the deal: I combined both of these courses with some new material to create what I am now calling, The Closed Door Hypnosis Files...
The good news, is now you can get both products at an even better price...
Why Closed Door Hypnosis Files?
Over the years, I have continued my training in the arts....When I say arts, I mean the Mind Arts... Many are called but few are chosen...
I have been fortunate to have been one of those that was invited to train, learn and then proviced this information to others... The Mind Arts consist of Hypnotic Influence, Meditation, Remote Viewing, Remote Perception, Chi Manipulation, and other estoeric skill sets...
So what exactly is the Closed Door?
Closed Door means that the only ones learning the concepts, methods and instruction, must be invited in by a master instructor....Even though the master instructor invites you in, you must then be voted on by a tribunal to actually stay in the program...
The exciting thing is that, with knowledge comes power, and when you can get your mind to fully operate at it's highest functioning level....Look out!
So the deal is this, I have created some additional MP3 files (or CDs if you order the hard copy versions) that go into an area that I get more questions and emails about than any other area....
How To Become a Controller
When I first talked about becoming a "Controller", some looked it as a negative...That was understandible, and believe me, I am the first to admit the term freaked me out when my instructor told me about it...
The reality though, is that most people are not looking to become a "Svengali" or "Hypnotic Freak Master", they are mearly trying to maximize the output from their own minds....
This concept is really the first layer of instruction, but in reality it is the hardest to gain mastery over....
That is the concept of SELF- IMPOWERMENT and CONTROL...
How can you control (or think you control ) others, when you are not even in control of your self?
Well, what I did was go back and delve even deeper into some of the most common areas that people are looking to get control over and I came up with the top three things people want to control....
Number #1: They want to lost weight and gain control over their bodies
Number #2: They want to quit smoking
Number #3 They want Performance for sports or other activities
And a very close 4th is that people want to be confident with the opposite sex, both in terms of meeting and establishing relationships as well as being a Superman or Woman in the bedroom...
So, what I have created that adds what everyone is looking for is.....
Closed Door Self Hypnosis:Total Control Files
These audio files go into each subject above and totally disect how to get you to remove or add the controlling factor for your life...
So, do you want to lose weight, stop smoking, better performance? It is all right here for you to plug right into the system of success to become a Controller...
Whenever you look at some type of Hypnosis or Hypnotic Influence course, the key ingredient is...YOU..
Are you willing to put in the neccesary "flight time" to get these techniques to work?
I break everything down so simple that you can learn these technigues on the fly...
Can you imagine the confidence and power you will have, once you gain control over your mind?
I have packed in more value to this program, and at a cost that will allow you to order this right now, because the timing is right, the price is right, and the system is in place...
When you order this today, you will receive my best selling "Manipulation" course, complete with Manual and over 8 hours of instruction... That's right, over 8 hours of instruction...This is the finest instruction you can receive on Hypnotic Influence and Covert Persuaion, and that is a fact....
With Manipulation, Here are Just Some of the Benefits You'll Receive.......

Discover the concept of Hypnotic Distancing: Learn the six (6) covert influencing techniques to persuade at a distance, where time and space is not a limitation

Learn Mind Power Methods Used By The Master Mentalists: How to get into someone’s head and get them to verify that your suggestion is the right suggestion

Adapt "The Persona": Generate the bold and confident attitude of a “Master Persuader”

Unlock high velocity energy transmissions to get someone’s attention: Invoke someone to do what you want, when you want.

Quadruple Your Rapport Skills: Build Rapport with someone new like they were an old, long lost friend

Bonding Tactics that work like magic: How to get people to Know You, Like You, and Trust you on the spot

Hypnotize & Influence Instantly: Exactly what it says!! Instant induction methods! Put the trance on so fast, the person won't even know they're under your influence!!...

Close to 70 Suggestive Sentences: These are some of the most powerfully suggestive predicates that all of the most successful hypnotists use to influence with control. Easily worth the cost of the entire program

Stimulus Response Triggers and how to set them: Use this method to leave behind post hypnotic suggestions and triggers that will be a potent mechanism to recall the same state as when you originally hypnotized them.

Lose Weight, Earn More Money, Find Love: When you are the controller, anything is possible

Harnessing Your Voice as a Propulsion System: How creating a commanding “Power Voice” will increase your ability to hypnotize exponentially

Use The Applied Transfixion Tactic: Five (5) super powerful ways to induce a trance like state within anyone at anytime

The Dominance of Autosuggestion: The 7 key ways to put yourself into a trance to create an even stronger trance in others

Applied Force Techniques: Advanced language patterns designed specifically to persuade and influence in any area

Instantly have the power and confidence to know you are in control of a situation, Every time you use it....We call it "POWER MIND" (Advanced Concept)

How to guarantee your skills will work under "real conditions"!

Subliminal Influence at the Highest Level: Subliminal phrases that work so well you’ll think you are cheating

Create your own techniques on the fly that will work every time)

Instantaneous Suggestibility: How to phrase things with a smoothness that generates instant suggestibility

Initiate a Conversation with presuppositions: Recognize why certain sentences presuppose an outcome that you design

Golden Key Method of Covert Persuasion: Using emotional language to get people to want what your offering

Mental Re-focusing Techniques: The one technique that ties someone’s mind up so that you can gently place a command right in

And SO Much More...
Ultimate Hypnotic Influence
You will also receive my Ultimate Hypnotic Influence Course, which breaks down the 9 most powerful skills that Master Hypnotists and Controllers use everyday...
You will learn...

The Central Rule of Mental Power: Once you gain control of your mind, everything else is down hill.

A true understanding of how the mind works: Get total control of your mind....Then the Mind of others!

Eliminate Fear & Doubt: Establish the confidence you need for every are of your life

Subconscious non-verbal communication: Super sneaky methods to get your persuasiveness across

Speaking face to face and mind to mind: This "Closed Door" method will allow you to influence with a "double barreled" effect

Bombard the consciousness with commands and impressions: Like a missile you will target the subconscious mind of others with definitive power

Creating an magnetic attraction mechanism: Attract others to do your bidding

How to put someone in a trance: Learn how to do it, why it works, and how effective it can be.

Discover How To Do Quick Trances: This same technique is used by master hypnotists all the time, and will work for you to.

How to train with the skills of the professional influencer: Train like a hypnotist and controller. Unlock the concepts that separate the men from the boys (or women from the girls)

Post Hypnotic Suggestions: How to set these magical triggers to continue to persuade and influence long after you are gone.

Power of the voice: This one concept is worth the entire cost of the course. Masters use it. Others don't. We'll show you how the voice really works during hypnosis and trance.

Put yourself into trances easily and effectively: Once you can put yourself into trance, putting others into one, will be a cinch.

Using Auto-Suggestion to pre-rehearse success in your life: Find out the correct way to use Auto-Suggestion. These small, but often time misunderstood tactics, work like a charm.

Break Bad Habits Through Self Hypnosis: Quit smoking, lose weight, better performance. Now you'll have the keys to your kingdom

And Much, Much, More.......
Warning: Do not Buy This Hypnosis Course, unless You Really Need to Become a More Powerful Controller...
You will get more skills, more value, more everything from this than any other program currentlyu on the market...
Compare this to what else is on the market and you will come to the conclusion that this is exactly what you've been looking for at a price and value that can't be beat....
Order Today and begin the process......

So what do you get for your hard earned money?
.Here you can get the entire Closed Door Hypnosis Package plus bonuses for only $197 plus shipping (hard copy or only $147 for the electronic version (and save some bucks!)
(Save $50 plus get all of the bonuses when you order the electronic version...)
Manipulation: The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence.

(5) CDs (close to 6 hours of content): These Hypnosis CDs are truly remarkable in that you will learn concepts that will allow you to powerfully and with complete control, direct your life and those around you much better. Here is what you will learn.
CD #1: Intro & The Energy of Covert Influence/The Attitude of a Controller
- Maximum Energy and Intent
- Truly Covert Persuasion Techniques
- The Formula for Remote Influence
- Creating Potent Personal Triggers
- Using Soft Eyes and The Power of Your Gaze
- The Mindset of the Controller
- The Belief Factor of a Controller
- Mental Focus
- Breath Control
CD #2: Creating a Strong Connection/Motives/Strength of Concentration
- Keys to Building a Deep Level of Bonding and Rapport
- Understanding Personality Types
- The Power Voice & Soft Eyest
- Modeling Secrets to Take Your Skills to the Next Level
- Strength of Concentration and Getting into Trance
- Trance Mechanisms
- Self- Hypnosis
- Autosuggestion Secrets
CD #3: Trance Induction/Subliminal Directives/Potent Word Structures
- Sample Trance Induction for Self Hypnosis
- Subliminal Suggestions and Directives
- How to Maximize Hypnotic Commands
- Why Subliminal Commands Work so Well
- Setting Up The Command
- Marking Off The Subliminal Suggestion
- Why Certain Word Structures Create Trance States
- The Art of Vagueness
- The Potency of Presuppositions
- 3rd Party Quotes
- Words Tell, Stories Sell
CD #4: Highly Powerful Suggestion Strategies
- Using Suggestive Predicates
- Combining Everything Together for Maximum Effect
- Over 60 Different Structures
CD #5: Stimulus Response Triggers/Quick Reference Guide and Review
- How to set and recreate Stimulus Response Triggers
- How a business card can be a trigger
- Using music as a trigger
- Potent physical triggers that you can set instantly
- Total review of all concepts covered in the course plus advanced concepts as added bonus
Regular Price - $147 for Hard Copy & $97 for Electronic Version
Ultimate Hypnotic Influence:
8 Long playing CDs/MP3s that cover the 9 most potent skills of the professional hypnotist.

Module #1- Intro to Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence & Entering the back door of the mind through the front door.
Learn what this course is and isn't.....Begin to see the clear path of how these skills can potentially enrich your life tremendously.
- Subconscious non-verbal communication
- Setting up influence at a distance with many different impressions
- Speaking face to face and mind to mind
Module #2- The Science of Subliminal Directives
- The power of the command
- Commands are like missiles
- Bombard the consciousness with commands and impressions
Module #3- Ice Breaker Hypnotic Attraction Strategies
- Sending powerful attracting energy
- Creating a magnetic attraction mechanism
- Standard Rapport methods and some unique ones
Module #4- Rapid Fire Trance Strategies
- How to put someone in a trance
- Fast trances
- Deepening the trance
Module #5- Daily Skill Training Tool Box
- How to train with the skills of the professional influencer
- This one CD, takes all the skills and wraps them up into your daily workout
Module #6- Triggers, Hooks and PHS (post hypnotic suggestions)
- Plant the seed, reap the benefits
- Different methods of placing the trigger
Module #7- Tonality, Attitude, Voice Power, Eye Power, Transmitters
- Power of the voice
- Tonal quality
- Soft Eyes
- Transmitting energy
Module #8- Mental Power Strategies & Autosuggestion/Self Hypnosis
- Put yourself into trances easily and effectively
- Using Auto-Suggestion to pre-rehearse success in your life
- Using Self Hypnosis to limit any undesirable habit in your life (Smoking, drugs, lose weight, better performance, etc)
- A truly powerful confidence method that truly works
Regular Price - $147 for Hard Copy & $97 for Electronic Version
Manipulation Book: The original manuscript that blazed a new trail for Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence.

- How to put someone in a trance
- Fast trances
- Deepening the trance
electronic Download Book- $19

Closed Door Self Hypnosis- Total Control Files
#1- Losing weight, controlling your body and eating habits like magic.
#2- Quit Bad Habits (Smoking, other indulgences)
#3- Perfomance Enhancement-Gain control when you need it. All the time, every time.
#4- How To Have Confidence in Meeting Someone of The Opposite Sex.
This includes over an hour of MP3 Files and several documents in PDF format.
Regular Price - $49
When You Order The Closed Door Hypnosis Files Today, You will Receive the Following Bonus Items
This information is precisely what you have been looking for.
Bonuses For You......
Bonus #1
The 12 Devices That Almost Instantly Hypnotize- $19
This unique booklet & CD describes the power of your gaze and how you can increase it with the naturally effective devices included. Like many products that we have either created or endorsed, this one contains many insights that are truly remarkable and worthwhile to learn.

What you will learn with this fantastic booklet & CD.
Developing the intensity of your gaze
Mental Preparations for Hypnotism
Practice Autosuggestion
Build up your energy
How to Hypnotize easily
Reinforce the effect through suggestion
Utilize the "mirror" effect
Devices for developing a potent gaze
Using your hands as transmitters
This booklet & CD contains some of the most amazingly powerful devices used for energy and hypnotic development and will allow you to easily increase your persuasion and influencing ability.
In fact, the information in this booklet is so obscure that you won't find it anywhere else because it is not readily known and is one of the "Master Secrets" of Hypnotism.
And now it is yours absolutely FREE when you buy our course now.
And much more high powered information than you can shake a stick at!
Once you order this information, you will agree that the bonuses alone are worth the entire cost of this mind boggling package of "closed door" Hypnotic Influence information.
Bonus #2
Closed Door Self-Hypnosis- $19

I gotta tell you, this one book will break down and show you the how's and why's of self hypnosis. How to do it and why it works. Truly an outstanding tool for your own "Hypnotic Tool Box". And again, I'm providing it for you absolutely for FREE!
I know exactly what your thinking, why would I give you all of these items for only $147, when some of them already cost over $100 (You can go to my other sites and pay full price if you wish)? Well, let me tell you......
As a matter of fact, I feel like I am giving away the secrets that I worked so hard to gain over the years, but I know one thing and that is.......
You Always Get More When You Give More!
Several of the books I have included in fact mention that this one concept is the key to become wildly successful. The ability to give more value, knowing it will come back hundreds and thousands of times more than you gave. That's a powerful concept and I'm into power, how about you?
As good as this may sound, I am going to cause you to want to order this right away, because when you purchase before midnight tonight you will receive a special surprise bonuses absolutely FREE!
Bonus #3
Hetero Hypnosis Book- $19

I'm Gonna Give You a Copy of One of The Most Interesting Books You Will Ever Read On Hypnosis!
So, your getting one of the best books and MP3 Files ever on Hypnotic Influence and Covert persuasion to ever come down the pike. A book and MP3 audio file that cuts through all the garbage and gives you everything you need to hypnotize like crazy! And I'm also throwing in 3, no 4 additional bonuses.
Bonus #4
Best Selling Mind Power Books- "Priceless"
Now these bonuses, I can't sell to you, but I can offer them to you under "fair use" copyright law. These bonuses alone are worth the entire cost of this very special limited time promotion (just check Amazon.com, if you think I'm kidding).
Think and Grow Rich: What can I say other than this is one of the books that truly made a major impact on my success in life. This one, you will want to read over and over, because it has so much valuable information that is priceless!
The Science of Getting Rich: Another common sense guide to put yourself on the road to riches. This books was written in 1910, but the concepts still work in the 21st Century.
The Richest Man in Babylon: Here you have a guide to teach you how to handle your money properly. Told in a very easy to read narrative, this is another time-less classic you should not be without.
Sun Tzu's Art of War: The Ultimate Strategy guide. Can be used for business or any areas of your life. Remember the movie Wall Street with Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen? This was the book, Gordon Gecko (Douglas) suggested Bud (Sheen) read on how to become a major player in business.
Wow! I think you'll agree, this is an exceptional "fountain of knowledge" for you to take advantage of.
***Limited Time***
***Super Special Bonus***
As good as this may sound, I am going to cause you to want to order this right away, because I am going to sweeten this deal even more......
See Below for Details.....
One Powerful Program That Will Blow Your Mind Absolutely FREE!
The catch is that I may be removing this bonus shortly, so get them while you can..
This program is one of the finest programs on Advanced Hypnotic Patterning that you are ever going to find anywhere at anytime, for any price......

Rapid Fire Hypnosis- Advanced Hypnotic Influence program on MP3. I gotta tell you this is the best of my "Closed Door Hypnosis" programs...
This 80 minute CD/MP3 Files contains secrets that you might not find on programs that cost hundreds of dollars (like my other programs do).....
Now you can have an opportunity to get this program for FREE when you order The Closed Door Hypnosis Files Today
If you really want to know how to hypnotically influence with control and authority, this is the CD for you!
This 80 minute CD breaks down the strategies & techniques of the professional influencer and will allow you to effectively get these concepts to work for you. In order to persuade with power you need potent technologies that are not readily taught in most courses.
I take the time to explain the tactics and methods that will enable you to reach the next level of proficiency with these wonderful skills. As a matter of fact, the more you study these advanced principles and concepts the more your skill will rise to an even higher level.
What's the difference between an NBA Player and a 7th Grade Basketball player?
Do they do things that are that different?
The answer is that the "skill sets" are the same, but the way that they are used is the difference. An NBA Basketball Player is a master at his game....Now you can be a master of this game...The game of being able to hypnotically influence people like a pro!
Here are some of the potent procedures that you will learn:

The skills of the professional influencer

The power of your intent as a controller

Totally covert persuasion through mind to mind communication

How to get yourself and others into trance faster and more effectively

Learn intricacies of the power of the voice

Hypnotic protocol and how to use it effectively

Using the Hands as transmitters as an added hypnotic mechanism

Increasing your strength of gaze

Advanced discussion of subliminal commands and suggestions

An advanced induction to increase your hypnotic skills
This CD really packs a punch....It has all of the most cutting edge information that you need in order to influence with more power and preciseness.
Here's how to order right now!

Offer #1- Closed Door Hypnosis Files- $147

Offer #2- Closed Door Hypnosis Files Hard Copy- $197 + Shipping

By the way, the bonus is yours to keep even in the unlikely event you decide to take advantage of our ironclad money back guarantee:
You can't lose with our 100%,
ironclad, money back guarantee

Whether you buy this right now, or decide to order it later, I want to wish you the best of luck in all you do. I know if you pull the trigger on this wonderful offer you will be amazed at the amount of solid information that is contained in these products.
A. Thomas Perhacs
A. T. Perhacs